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All Malignant Hearts and effects in Diablo 4 season 1

How to slot the season 1 powers for your barbarian, sorcerer, druid, rogue, or necromancer

A player character in Diablo 4 holds a Malignant Heart out in front of them in Diablo 4 season 1The MoonrageDruidKills have a 5% chance to summon a Wolf Companion to your side for 20-30 seconds. In addition, gain +3 to Wolves.The SacrilegiousNecromancerWalking near a Corpse automatically activates an equipped Corpse Skill every second, dealing 40-30% reduced damage.Cluster MunitionsRogueLucky Hit: You have up to a 20% chance to launch 3 Stun Grenades that deal 26-32 Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.50 seconds.Tal'RashaSorcererFor each unique element you deal damage with, you deal 7-12% increased damage for 3-10 seconds.

Brutal Malignant Hearts list

Brutal Malignant Hearts are defense-based powers and fit into the Brutal blue sockets in your jewelry. Like all other heart types, there are three class-agnostic Brutal Malignant Hearts and one unique Brutal Malignant Heart per class.

Defensive Malignant powers




The LionheartAllYou gain 10% Barrier Generation. You Heal 3-7 Life per second while you have an active Barrier.
RevengeAll10-20% of incoming damage is instead suppressed. When you use a Defensive, Subterfuge, or Macabre skill, all suppressed damage is amplified by 250% and explodes, dealing up to 1360-2040 Fire damage to Nearby enemies.
Prudent HeartAllYou become Immune for 2.0-4.0 seconds after you lose more than 20% Life in a single hit. This effect can only occur once every 110 seconds.
Resurgent LifeBarbarianWhile below 40-60% Life, you receive 50-60% more Healing from all sources.
The Agitated WindsDruidWhen 8-13 Close enemies, automatically cast Cyclone Armor. This cannot occur more than once every 10-20 seconds.
The Decrepit AuraNecromancerWhen at least 5 enemies are near you, gain an aura that automatically curses surrounding enemies with Decrepify for 5-15 seconds.
TrickeryRogueWhen you use a Subterfuge Skill, leave behind an unstable Shadow Decoy Trap that Taunts enemies. The Shadow Decoy Trap will explode after 6.0 seconds dealing 680-1020 Shadow damage. Cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds.
SpellbreakingSorcererAfter taking Elemental damage, gain 20-40% Resistance to that element for 5 seconds.

Devious Malignant Hearts list

Devious Malignant Hearts are utility-based powers and fit into the Devious purple sockets in your jewelry. Like all other heart types, there are three class-agnostic Devious Malignant Hearts and one unique Devious Malignant Heart per class.

Utility Malignant powers




DeterminationAllResource draining effects are 40-50% less effective. In addition, gain 3-8% increased Resource Generation.
RetaliationAllDeal 510-680 Fire damage to surrounding enemies whenever a Crowd Control effect is removed from you.
The CalculatedAllAfter spending 150-200 of your Primary Resource, your next attack Stuns enemies hit for 2 seconds.
Punishing SpeedBarbarianYour Skills have a 20-30% chance to Knock Down all enemies for 1.25 seconds when that Skill's Attack Speed is higher than 35-20%.
Inexorable ForceDruidUp to 30-50 Distant enemies are pulled toward you while you have an Ultimate Skill active.
Frozen TerrorNecromancerLucky Hit: Up to a 10-20% chance of inflicting Fear for 2.5 seconds. Feared enemies are Chilled for 20% every second.
The ClipshotRogueLucky Hit: Up to a 20-40% chance for your Cutthroat Skills to Slow by 40% for 3 seconds and your Marksman Skills to Knock Back enemies.
SpiteSorcererWhen you are afflicted with a Crowd Control effect, there is a 20-40% chance that the same enemy and enemies around you are also afflicted with the same effect for 3 seconds.

Wrathful Malignant Hearts list

Wrathful Malignant Hearts are “super” powers and fit into any colored socket in your jewelry. Like all other heart types, there are three class-agnostic Wrathful Malignant Hearts and one unique Wrathful Malignant Heart per class.

‘Super’ Malignant powers




The Malignant PactAllCycle through a Malignant bonus every 20 kills: • Vicious: Gain 20% Attack Speed. • Devious: Core and Basic Skills have a 15% chance to fully restore your Primary Resource. • Brutal: Every 21 seconds, gain a Barrier absorbing 85-102 damage.
Creeping DeathAllYour damage over time effects are increased by 30-40% for each different Crowd Control effect on the target. Unstoppable monsters and Staggered bosses instead take 110-130% increased damage from your damage over time effects.
The BarberAllCritical Strikes and all subsequent damage within 2.0-4.0 seconds is absorbed by your target. Then, the absorbed damage erupts onto surrounding enemies. Stored damage is increased by 10% per second.
Ignoring PainBarbarianIncoming damage has a 5-15% chance of being ignored and instead Healing you for 17-68.
The Unconstrained BeastDruidWhen you are hit with a Stun, Freeze, or Knock Down effect, there is a 40-60% chance to automatically activate Grizzly Rage for 3 seconds.
The Great FeastNecromancerEach Minion drains 1-2 Essence per second but deals 50-75% increased damage. With no Minions, this bonus applies to you and drains 5 Essence per second.
The Vile ApothecaryRogueYour attacks have a 5-15% chance to apply all Imbuement effects at 40-50% of normal potency.
OmnipowerSorcererCore Skills that launch a projectile consume all of your Mana. For every 45-35 extra Mana consumed, you launch an additional projectile, and the damage is increased by 3-5%.

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