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How to get an ARR (Zodiac) relic weapon in FFXIV

Here’s all the steps to getting your relic weapon from A Realm Reborn

A Viera holds a Zodiac Zeta weapon while pointing in FFXIVGentle (16)Steady (24)All ARR Extreme trials (except The Howling Eye and Ultima’s Bane), All Bahamut raids, Pharos Sirius, Copperbell Mines (Hard), Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard)Steady (24)Forceful (48)Sastasha, The Tam-Tara Deepcroft, Copperbell Mines, The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, Haukke Manor, The Sunken Temple of Qarn, Cutter’s Cry, The Stone Vigil, Dzemael Darkhold, The Aurum Vale, Snowcloak, Castrum Meridianum, The Praetorium, The Keeper of the Lake, Sastasha (Hard), The Wanderer’s Palace (Hard), Amdapor Keep (Hard), The Borderland Ruins (Secure), The Labyrinth of the AncientsForceful (48)Nigh Sings (64)Syrcus Tower, The World of Darkness

If one of the steady dungeons is on bonus, you can complete a Mahatma with a single run, making it pretty worthwhile. Otherwise the same rules apply from the Nexus step: Spam “The Bowl of Embers” if you’re running solo to get about 12 light per minute. Run “The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)” if you have a high-level friend willing to two-shot the boss for you.

A FFXIV Viera stands holding a staff with glowing leafy branches